. . .
So there is no choice for me but to go in. Having no idea what will come out.
from: The Way To Bea
written by Kat Yeh
Little, Brown and Company, 2017
It took me a long time to find my career. After several false-starts, I settled into librarianship, a perfect fit.
But, first I had to find my way out of high school. I graduated with mediocrity. High school was not fun for me. It didn’t seem to prepare me for my future. Elementary school was way more fun. Maybe I could be a teacher and teach little kids.
Like Mrs. Zimmerman, who still holds a warm place in my heart.
But that was not in my stars.
I loved words and writing. I wrote many bad short stories while I was in high school and college and much more bad and angsty poetry. Maybe English would be a good subject for me to teach. But, shortly into it, I realized that I got along much better with the characters in the novels I taught than I did with most of my students.
So that was not to be either.
Then I discovered that although librarians are among the smartest people in our society and among the most organized, and although I was really neither very much of those things, I found my way into and out of library school. I gained a greater appreciation for organization. I found ways to answer questions, both serious and quirky. Before Google. And I could spend my days with books and smart people. And lots of kids who loved books and stories. Ahhh! a wonderful home away from home.
And here I am—still trying my hand at poetry. Still trying my hand at writing. Still collecting rejections. But, still curious, still seeking answers (with and without Google), still interested in the world.
And a little more satisfied with letting things happen as they will. More satisfied with observing the world work the way it works.
And still trying to make my little piece of the world a little kinder.
--stay curious!